You are currently viewing Dr. Margarida Estrela
Dra. Margarida Estrela

Dr. Margarida Estrela


  • Centro Médico, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Rio Maior
  • District Hospital of Santarém


  • 1980 | Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra
  • 1995 | Complementary Internship in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Bissaya-Barreto Maternity, Coimbra
  • 2001 | Admited at the College of the Gynecolgy and Obstetrics Specialty of the Order of Physicians
  • 2001 | Placed at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the District Hospital of Santarém, in October, performing functions as a Graduate Hospital Assistent
  • 2002 | Responsible for Fertility Support Consultation at Santarém Hospital
  • 2009 | Responsible for Urogynecology Consultation of Santarém Hospital