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Dr. Sara Barata


  • Centro Médico, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Rio Maior
  • Cerci Flor da Vida, Azambuja
  • Social and Parish Center Kindergarten of Azambuja
  • TSM, Terapias em Movimento (Moving Therapies)


  • 2006 | Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Therapy, Higher School of Health Egas Moniz
  • 2008 | Fundamentals of TALC Application and Quotation
  • 2009 | Makaton Vocabulary Language Program
  • 2015 | Autism and Communication
  • 2016 | Assessment of Language Skills for Reading and Writing (ACLLE)
  • 2016 | Apprenticeship and Writing and Reading Disturbances
  • 2021 | Assessment and Intervention in Fluency Disorders


  • 2006 – 2008 | Medical and Nursing Center of Abrantes
  • 2008 – 2011 | Azambuja City Council in collaboration with the Parish Councils of Manique do Intendente, Alcoentre, Maçussa and Vila Nova de S. Pedro
  • 2008 – 2016 | Cerci Flor da Vida Azambuja
  • 2010 – 2022 | Brain Institute
  • 2022 – 2023 | Mindspeech